Cloud Science


What is DRaaS? Disaster Recovery As A Service For Businesses

what is Draas

Disaster Recovery as a Service steps in as a crucial solution for businesses.

DRaaS, or Disaster Recovery as a Service, is a cloud-based solution that offers organizations an off-site backup and recovery strategy in the event of a disaster or data loss incident. It involves outsourcing disaster recovery services to a third-party provider who hosts and manages the necessary infrastructure in the cloud.

As a business owner, unforeseen disasters can pose significant risks to your company’s important data if you’re not prepared. If you aim to protect your business-critical data and systems during a disaster.

Imagine a scenario where your entire IT infrastructure, comprising production and backup servers, is located in your location. This means that your vital business data and applications are stored locally. Now, think about the potential consequences if a disruptive event like an earthquake or a ransomware attack were to strike the area. How do you intend to protect your essential business data in such circumstances? True to its name, Disaster Recovery as a service involves maintaining business operations even if your local facilities are affected by a disaster

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What is Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)?

Disaster Recovery as a Service is a cloud-powered service that empowers businesses to replicate their IT setup in the cloud or off-site, ensuring uninterrupted access to data and systems. Businesses can rapidly restore data and applications during disasters, minimizing downtime and mitigating the impact of unforeseen events.

It involves a third party replicating and hosting physical or virtual servers to ensure failover in the face of man-made or natural disasters. This service can be precious for small to midsize businesses lacking the expertise to provide, configure, and test an effective disaster recovery plan. 

Importance of DRaaS For Business

DRaaS helps businesses handle the following types of disasters: 

Disaster Scenario Description
Power Outages When power outages occur, DRaaS ensures that critical data and systems remain accessible, allowing businesses to continue operations without interruption.
Equipment Failures In the event of equipment failures, DRaaS enables businesses to quickly recover data and applications, minimizing downtime and productivity losses.
Cyber Attacks DRaaS protects against cyber attacks by regularly backing up data and providing recovery options to restore systems to a pre-attack state, thwarting the impact of malware, ransomware, and other cyber threats.
Natural Disasters DRaaS safeguards businesses from the devastating effects of natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes by replicating data and applications to off-site locations. This ensures that organizations can swiftly recover and resume operations even if their primary infrastructure is compromised.

How DRaaS Works?

How DRaaS works

A DRaaS provider provides its infrastructure to act as the customer’s disaster recovery site during a disaster. The offering includes a mechanism, such as a software application or hardware appliance.

Here are some key aspects of how it works:

1. Replication for Disaster Recovery

  • The local IT workload is replicated to offsite server locations, establishing a secondary IT infrastructure for your applications.
  • Replication involves the real-time mirroring of the entire business process, encompassing data and applications, to redundant servers.
  • Unlike backup methods, where data is stored at a specific moment, replication ensures continuous synchronization.

2. Failover and failback in Disaster Recovery

  • In a disruptive incident at the office location, access shifts to the remote DR site, termed Failover, with the offsite location acting as the Failover Site.
  • This ensures uninterrupted operations from the failover site during a disaster, minimizing or eliminating downtime.
  • Once the local IT infrastructure returns to normalcy post-disaster, access can be reinstated through Failback procedures.
  • Failback involves transferring data from the DRaaS provider’s secondary site back to the original site. Once failback is complete, replication resumes.

What benefits does DRaaS offer to your business?


DRaaS is essential for any business looking to stay ahead of the game. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits and how it can be helpful for your business.

The following are the benefits that we will discuss one by one

  1. Value to money of DRaaS
  2. Scalability with DRaaS
  3. Reliability in DRaaS
  4. Flexibility Provided by DRaaS
  5. Enhance RPO and RTO with DRaaS
  6. Testing and Validation in DRaaS
  7. Security and Compliance in DRaaS
  8. Effortless deployment of DRaaS

1. Value to the money of DRaaS

Traditional disaster recovery solutions can be costly due to the need for physical media and off-site storage. However, DRaaS eliminates these requirements, reducing expenses and increasing accessibility for small and medium-sized businesses.

While on-premises disaster recovery programs entail significant maintenance and IT support expenses, investing in DRaaS initially can lead to long-term cost savings for your business.

2. Scalability with DRaaS

Scalability with Disaster Recovery as a Service refers to the ability of a recovery solution to adapt and expand according to the changing needs and demands of an organization. In other words, it involves the capability to easily adjust the resources, such as storage, computing power, and network bandwidth, allocated for disaster recovery purposes.

This scalability ensures that organizations can effectively handle varying workloads and data volumes during normal operations as well as during times of disaster or disruption. With scalable DRaaS solutions, businesses can efficiently accommodate growth, mitigate risks, and maintain continuity without being limited by fixed infrastructure or excessive costs.

3. Reliability in DRaaS

Disaster recovery as a Service guarantees high levels of reliability through redundant infrastructure and failover capabilities. It ensures constant availability of data and systems during disruptions, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity. Redundant infrastructure and failover capabilities are inherent features of this service, providing businesses with confidence in the reliability of their disaster recovery solution.

DRaaS providers offer continuous monitoring and support to ensure the reliability of the service, allowing businesses to trust in the availability of their data and systems at all times.

4. Flexibility Provided by DRaaS

DRaaS allows businesses to adjust disaster recovery solutions to match changing needs and circumstances. It allows for customizing recovery plans, enabling businesses to tailor solutions to their specific requirements. Businesses can choose the level of disaster recovery coverage that best suits their operations and budget.

Disaster recovery as a Service enables seamless integration with existing IT infrastructures, providing flexibility in implementation and management. Businesses can quickly scale DRaaS resources up or down as needed, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.

5. Enhance RPO and RTO with DRaaS

DRaaS solutions typically offer faster RTOs and better RPOs compared to traditional methods. Advanced technologies such as continuous data replication and incremental backup contribute to minimized data loss and downtime. It leverages point-in-time recovery techniques to ensure data integrity and consistency during recovery processes.

By reducing the time and data lost during disruptions, It helps businesses maintain productivity and operational continuity. The improved RPO and RTO metrics offered by disaster service enhance the resilience and reliability of businesses’ recovery strategies from disaster.

6. Testing and Validation Features in DRaaS

DRaaS providers offer automated testing tools for evaluating recovery plans without disrupting day-to-day operations. Regular testing ensures that DRaaS solutions remain current and capable of responding effectively to real-world disasters. Automated testing enables businesses to simulate diverse disaster scenarios and assess recovery processes’ performance.

Disaster Recovery as Service providers furnish comprehensive reporting and analysis tools to identify potential weaknesses in disaster recovery strategies. Testing and validation in DRaaS instill confidence in businesses’ ability to safeguard critical data and sustain operational continuity.

7. Security and Compliance in DRaaS

DRaaS providers prioritize data security with encryption and secure data transmission protocols to safeguard sensitive information. Compliance features, including access controls and compliance reporting, ensure adherence to regulatory standards. Audit logs meticulously track all disaster recovery activities, facilitating regulatory compliance demonstrations.

Continuous monitoring by dedicated security teams ensures swift response to potential threats around the clock. It offers cutting-edge security and compliance features, offering businesses robust data protection and regulatory adherence.

8. Effortless deployment of DRaaS

DRaaS solutions are designed for easy deployment, with user-friendly interfaces for simple setup and management. The intuitive nature of recovery service interfaces streamlines the implementation process, minimizing complexity and reducing setup time. Businesses can quickly integrate recovery services into existing IT infrastructures without significant disruptions to operations.

DRaaS providers offer comprehensive support and guidance throughout the implementation process, ensuring smooth transitions. Businesses can expedite disaster recovery readiness with minimal effort and technical expertise required.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a DRaaS Provider:


Before deploying a Recovery service, an organization should take into account the following factors:

1. Reliability and Reputation:

Assess the reliability and reputation of the DRaaS provider. Look for reviews, testimonials, and case studies from existing clients to gauge their performance and reliability in delivering recovery services.

2. Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

Review the SLAs offered by the DRaaS provider. Ensure that they align with your business requirements, particularly regarding data recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs). Clarify the provider’s commitment to meeting these SLAs in real-world scenarios.

3. Scalability and Flexibility:

Evaluate the scalability and flexibility of the DRaaS solution. Ensure that it can accommodate your organization’s evolving needs, such as increasing data volumes, changing infrastructure, and growing business operations.

4. Security Measures:

Assess the security measures implemented by the DRaaS provider to protect your data and systems. Inquire about encryption protocols, access controls, data privacy policies, and compliance certifications to ensure that your data remains secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

5. Data Center Locations:

Consider the geographic locations of the DRaaS provider’s data centers. Opt for a provider with geographically dispersed data centers to ensure redundancy and minimize the risk of data loss due to regional disasters or outages.

6. Disaster Recovery Testing:

Inquire about the frequency and methodology of disaster recovery testing conducted by the DRaaS provider. Ensure that they regularly test their recovery processes to validate their effectiveness and identify any potential weaknesses.

7. Support and Customer Service:

Evaluate the level of support and customer service provided by the DRaaS provider. Assess their responsiveness, availability, and expertise in addressing technical issues, providing guidance during emergencies, and assisting with recovery efforts.

8. Cost and Pricing Structure:

Understand the cost and pricing structure of the DRaaS solution. Compare pricing plans, including setup fees, subscription costs, and any additional charges for storage, bandwidth, or support services. Ensure that the pricing aligns with your budget and offers value for money.

DRaaS providers

DRaaS companies come in different types. Some focus only on keeping your data safe and stored, while others are big tech and cloud companies. Here are a few examples of these companies.

  1. Druva Data Resiliency Cloud.
  2. Azure Site Recovery.
  3. Unitrends Backup and Recovery.
  4. VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery.
  5. Axcient x360Recover.
  6. Datto.
  7. Zerto.
  8. InterVision Cloud Disaster Recovery.

Discussion: The Importance of DRaaS for Business

DRaaS provides businesses with a reliable, scalable solution for safeguarding their data and systems during unexpected disasters. It enables efficient data and application recovery, minimizing downtime and mitigating disaster effects.

When choosing a DRaaS provider, focus on security, compliance, reliability, and customer support. In today’s dynamic business landscape, where downtime can lead to financial losses and reputational harm, DRaaS plays a vital role as a guardian. 

Its innovative approach empowers businesses to proactively manage disruptions and maintain seamless operations in the face of natural disasters, cyber threats, or system failures. By embracing recovery services, organizations can bolster their operational resilience and confidently navigate uncertainties.

FAQs - DRaaS

DRaaS, or Disaster Recovery as a Service, is a cloud computing service where organizations can back up their data and IT infrastructure in a third-party cloud environment. This model eliminates the need for organizations to own or manage all the resources required for disaster recovery, as they can rely on the service provider for this purpose.

Every organization should be ready to face a disaster in any shape or form. Numerous statistics emphasize the importance of preparedness, highlighting the risk of business failure for those unprepared. Regardless of the scale of such failures, no organization wishes to be included in such statistics.

Any business handling data must establish a robust disaster recovery strategy to avert extensive data loss and safeguard its reputation in the market. Without such a strategy, businesses risk significant financial and reputational damage, potentially leading to closure. Even those with existing disaster recovery plans can remain vulnerable without proper testing and exercise. Engaging with a DRaaS provider guarantees the protection of your business assets.

DRaaS provides more comprehensive disaster recovery capabilities compared to traditional backup solutions. While backups primarily focus on data protection, DRaaS offers full system recovery, including applications, servers, and network infrastructure, ensuring business continuity in the event of a disaster.

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